School Improvement

County-wide Leadership Networks are provided for principals at all levels: Elementary, Middle and High School. These networks meet within the school year and focus on networking opportunities, collaborative dialogue and instructional leadership/coaching. Feedback from school principals guides the content throughout network sessions and is used to intentionally plan for future network sessions. Access to a Resource Toolbox is provided for all leaders as a guide to share strategies, resources and new learning. This tool is invaluable in supporting communication and networking across the entire county.

Professional Networks for local educators are hosted throughout the year for Counselors/Mental health providers, English Learner educators, Principals, Secondary ELA Teachers and Instructional Directors.These network sessions provide opportunities for professional learning and collaborative dialogue with others in the same field.  Access to a Resource Toolbox is provided for all participants as a guide to share strategies, resources and new learning.  This tool is invaluable in supporting communication and networking across the entire county.

Continuous Improvement

Professional learning and leadership team support is provided on the Michigan Integrated Continuous Improvement Process (MICIP). Student Instructional Services (SIS) Consultants support the implementation of MICIP planning and use of the MICIP platform. Data Review Days for school leadership teams are facilitated by SIS consultants three times a year. Leadership teams are guided in planning goals, strategies and activities to support the Whole Child.

Contact Us

Jessie Hersey
Student Instructional Services