Autism Spectrum Disorder Programs & Services
Ingham Intermediate School District (ISD) offers programming for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) grades preschool through eighth grade.
ASD Programs
The intention of Ingham ISD's ASD programming is to provide an educational environment that supports the development of independence, communication, socialization and academic and functional skills. The goal is for students to return to their home school district.
A continuum of instructional practices and classroom environments are implemented to facilitate meaningful engagement and the generalization of skills that provide structure and consistent routines.
Students access the general education curriculum as developmentally appropriate or follow the Unique Learning Systems (ULS) curriculum to meet the academic needs of each student. Students may also participate in structured socialization programs with peers and and adaptive physical education programs including the Special Olympics.
ASD Services
Students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may require support to access the general education curriculum. Ingham ISD's teacher consultants for students with ASD provide direct and consultative services in accordance with students' Individual Education Program (IEP).
Instructional services are designed to meet the changing needs of students as they acquire and generalize skills. Program staff and parents work collaboratively to enhance the child's communication, social, behavioral, cognitive, and sensorimotor development with particular emphasis on areas of need.
The Teacher Consultants of Students with ASD support the needs of students with ASD to be successful in the school environment:
- Assists school personnel with intervention strategies
- Participates in and/or facilitates team meetings
- Conducts trainings for educational staff, parents and community agencies
- Facilitates accommodations to the curriculum
- Aids in the development and review of behavioral interventions
ASD Resources
100 Day Kit for Young Children
Knowledge is power, particularly in the days after an autism diagnosis. The Autism Speaks 100 Day Kit helps families of children ages four and under make the best possible use of the 100 days following the diagnosis.
ABA: Beyond Autism
ABA 101: A blog series dedicated to everything and anything about Applied Behavior Analysis. Scroll to the bottom of the page to download handouts.
- What is ABA
- ABA Common Terms and Lingo
- ABA & Teaching New Skills
- What makes ABA effective for children with Autism?
Education-Based Evaluations for Autism Spectrum Disorder
On the linked webpage, scroll down download the document.
This document provides guidance to schools to develop evaluation processes that ensure accurate eligibility recommendations, improve agency collaboration to reduce duplication, ensure a seamless process for families, and provide relevant information to inform the individualized education program process.
Autism Helper
We at The Autism Helper, Inc. are dedicated to empowering those who support individuals with Autism by providing resources, tools, and the methods to measure success. We aim to support teachers, parents, clinicians, and administrators by publishing daily blog posts at theautismhelper.com, creating curriculum resources, as well as conducting public speaking engagements and providing consultative services.
Family Support Subsidy Services - CMHA-CEI
The Family Support Subsidy Program is a state wide program designed to assist families who care for their children with severe disabilities at home.