Welcome to the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Partners in Education (KC-PIE) program for mid-Michigan. The Kennedy Center serves as the national umbrella for statewide arts education partnerships between schools and arts organizations. Currently, close to 100 partnership teams in nearly 40 states and the District of Columbia participate in the program. Ingham Intermediate School District and Wharton Center for Performing Arts have been the Mid-Michigan Partnership Team since 2006.

The KC-PIE program is based on the belief that teachers’ professional learning is an essential component of any effort designed to increase the artistic literacy of young people. The primary purpose of these partnerships is to provide teachers with professional training in arts education.

Each year a dedicated group of administrators, teaching artists, and classroom teachers commit to expanding the role the arts play in classrooms. The KC-PIE program strives to support teachers in these efforts. We hope that you will learn more about the program, ask questions, think in new ways, and join us in this important work.

Barb Whitney, Administrative Coordinator, Ingham ISD
Kelly Stuible-Clark, Senior Education Program Manager, Wharton Center Institute for Arts & Creativity

Each  year, the Mid-Michigan KC-PIE Partnership Team hosts the Arts Education Breakfast. This event brings together educators, superintendents, principals, politicians and artists to showcase how mid-Michigan schools are integrating arts into classrooms.

15th Annual Arts Education Breakfast
Wednesday, April 23, 2025
8:30-10:00 AM
Jackson Lounge, Wharton Center

Registration coming soon!

Each KC-PIE educator has the opportunity to select from local teaching artists in the visual or performing arts to work directly in their classroom. Teaching artists collaborate with classroom teachers to plan, write, implement and assess arts integrated residency. Both educators support and engage with students as they learn through participation in the creative process. At the end of the school year, all KC-PIE participants meet for final reflection and celebration of the year’s work in arts integration.

“It pushed me to grow creatively and recognize ways to easily integrate arts in my teaching.” KC-PIE participant

Contact Us

Jessie Hersey
Thorburn Education Center