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Ingham ISD serves as a shared community resource that creates networks of support and enhances educational opportunities for all learners in our service area. Our board, administration and staff collaborate with educational and other community leaders to provide programs and services that fill learning gaps, save dollars and create efficiencies. We hope you will visit our website often to learn more about our quality offerings that continually evolve to meet our constituents' changing needs.

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Register to Vote!

Your voice matters—if you're 18 or older, take the first step in shaping your community by registering to vote today!

16 and 17-year-olds can now preregister to vote in Michigan. 

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Ingham ISD Thanks Senators Anthony and Singh for Leadership with Senate Bill 911

Senator Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing), who is the Senate Appropriations Chair, and Senator Sam Singh (D-East Lansing) played a key role in getting Senate Bill 911 passed. 

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Ingham Board Meeting Actions

Ingham Intermediate School District Board of Education held a board meeting on September 16, 2024.

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Area School Directory

  • Waverly
  • Holt
  • Haslett
  • Williamston
  • Mason
  • Leslie
  • Dansville
  • Webberville
  • Stockbridge
  • Okemos
  • East
  • Lansing
map1 map3 map5 map7 map8 map9 map10 map11 map12 map6 map4 map2

Dansville  |  East Lansing  |  Haslett  |  Holt  |  Lansing  |  Leslie  |  Mason  |  Okemos  |  Stockbridge  |  Waverly  |  Webberville  |  Williamston