National Technical Honor Society
The Wilson Talent Center offers students a Student Leadership opportunity through the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS). There are many benefits to participating in NTHS, they include:
- Scholarship opportunities
- Graduation recognition - medallion
- Personal letters of recommendation for employment, college admission and scholarships
- Membership develops self-esteem and pride
- Online educational and career resources
- Potential recruitment opportunities
- Great for your resume
To be eligible for membership in NTHS, participation requirements include:
- Minimum grade of B+ in your CTE program.
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0 at the beginning of the current school year and end of 1st semester of senior year (transcript needed).
- Recommendation forms from WTC instructor AND from a teacher at your home school. Google Form is provided in your email.
- Attendance at meetings is mandatory, missing 2 NTHS meetings without a note from your teacher will result in ineligibility.
- Demonstrate great behavior and attendance at the WTC. Level 3 infractions will result in ineligibility. Level 2 infractions will result in a four month probation.
- Once admitted, NTHS students are required to participate in a minimum of 20 hours of community service, 5 of which are required prior to induction in March of this school year.
- Proof of 3.0 GPA, $20 dues and 2 recommendation forms are due by September 30. Please turn in proof of 3.0 GPA and $20 in an envelope with your name and WTC program to the main office.
Applications for new members are being accepted now through September 29, 2023. Admittance is based on the requirements above. If you have questions, please see or email NTHS Advisors, Ms. Stump or Ms. Daman in the Student Services Office.

Over 2200 schools and colleges throughout the U.S. and its territories are affiliated with the National Technical Honor Society. Member schools agree that NTHS encourages higher scholastic achievement, cultivated a desire for personal excellence, and helps top students find success in today's highly competitive workplace.